The Truth Behind the Mask: Inspiring Quotes About Two-Faced People
Two-faced people often pretend to be your friend while secretly harboring negative feelings or intentions. Quotes about two-faced individuals can serve as a reminder to stay cautious and trust your instincts. These sayings reveal the pain of betrayal, highlight the importance of honesty, and help us understand the toxic behavior of those who wear masks. Whether you’re looking for inspiration to rise above deceit or to share a relatable thought, these quotes will resonate with anyone who’s experienced the hurt caused by fake friends or insincere acquaintances.
Never Trust A Two-faced Person Quotes

A Two Faced Person Always Wears A Mask Of Kindness
A two-faced person is only loyal when it suits their agenda. Trust is their favorite disguise.
Never trust a person who smiles in your face but gossips behind your back.
A two-faced friend is more dangerous than an enemy. They hide the knife with a smile.
Lies come easy to two-faced people because they wear their dishonesty like a mask.
Live truth instead of professing it. ― Elbert Hubbard
Few love to hear the sins they love to act. — William Shakespeare

A Two Faced Person Is Only Loyal When It Suits
Trusting a two-faced person is like hugging a cactus—you only end up hurt.
The problem with two-faced people is that you never know which face is the lie.
A two-faced person always wears a mask of kindness, but their intentions are anything but.
Never trust a snake disguised as a friend; their bite is always waiting.
God has given you one face, and you make yourself another. ― William Shakespeare
Go put your creed into your deed, Nor speak with double tongue. ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Two Face Friend Is More Dangerous Than An Enemy
Two-faced people have two goals: to use you and to fool you.
Loyalty and honesty are foreign to those who carry two faces.
You’re just like a penny, two-faced and worthless.
If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one? ― Abraham Lincoln
Many of us believe that wrongs aren’t wrong if it’s done by nice people like ourselves.
A smiling assassin will always show you the white of his teeth as he smiles with happiness. ― Anthony T. Hincks

Lies Come Easy To Two Faced People Because They
Remember, there are two sides to every story. Kinda like your face! — Unknown
If you’re gonna be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty. ― Marilyn Monroe
I really hate two-faced people. It’s hard to decide which face to slap first. — Yong Junhyung
The person portrayed and the portrait are two entirely different things. — Jose Ortega Y. Gasset
A man can define many things beautifully in his life, but his character is one beautiful thing that can define him instantly and completely. ― Anuj Somany
We have two kinds of morality side by side: one which we preach but do not practice and another which we practice but seldom preach. ― Bertrand Russell

Loyalty And Honesty Are Foreign To Those
Being nice to the people you don’t like isn’t called two-faced, it’s called growing up.
I’d rather deal with thick-faced people rather than wasting time with two-faced ones.
When I see you, I think,I wonder which face she sees when she looks into the mirror. ― C. JoyBell C.
When people are two-faced, the only thing you’ll know for sure is that you can’t trust either of them.
I hope you have not been leading a double life, pretending to be wicked and being good all the time. ― Oscar Wilde
The amazing face of the motherly mammal of a seal near the oceanic shore has more honesty to offer to our world than the unreliable feature of a two-faced politician. ― Munia Khan

Never Trust A Person Who Smiles In Your Face
Hypocrisy has its own elegant symmetry. — Julie Metz
A hypocrite is a person who—but who isn’t? ― Don Marquis
Politeness, n: The most acceptable hypocrisy. — Ambrose Bierce
Don’t trip over your own words and fall into hypocrisy. — Unknown
Typos and type shifts can change true friends into thorough fiends. ― Stewart Stafford
Hypocrites preach morality but live a shameful life. ― Frank Sonnenberg, Listen to Your Conscience: That’s Why You Have One

Never Trust A Snake Disguised As A Friend
Every veil secretly desires to be lifted, except the veil of Hypocrisy. — Richard Garnett
We ought to see far enough into a hypocrite to see even his sincerity. — Thomas Fuller
Everybody is a hypocrite. You can’t live on this planet without being a hypocrite. — Paul Watson
Facebook is where hypocrisy, falseness, double standards, rumors and depression meet up for coffee. — Unknown
I think there are two different oceans—the one that plays with you in the summer, and the one that gets so mad in the winter. — Jodi Picoult, Handle with Care
‘Courtesy of tongue,’ said Rowena, ‘when it is used to veil churlishness of deed, is but a knight’s girdle around the breast of a base clown.’ ― Walter Scott, Ivanhoe

The Problem With Two Faced People Is That You Never
The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy. — William Hazlitt
Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. — Charles Spurgeon
If you want people to love you for who you are, take the mask off. — Quetzal
Villainy wears many masks; none so dangerous as the mask of virtue. — Washington Irving
Papi was a man split in two, playing a game against himself. But the problem with that is that in order to win, you also have to lose. ― Elizabeth Acevedo, Clap When You Land

Trusting A Two Faced Person Is Like Hugging
The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be. ― Socrates
Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face for each friend. ― Oliver Wendell Holmes
Those who clap you on the back with one hand may clench envy’s mask behind theirs with the other. ― Stewart Stafford
A masquerade that nice guys can persuade with such charming ways and leave you with such heartache. — Celia Rouge Hofin

Two Faced People Have Two Goals
Don’t be fooled by their masks. Fake people eventually show their true colors. Just wait until their mask needs cleaning. — Unknown
Would you make no distinction between hypocrisy and devotion? Would you give them the same names, and respect the mask as you do the face? — Moliere
I’m a very positive person, but this whole concept of having to always be nice, always smiling, always happy, that’s not real. It was like I was wearing a mask. — Alicia Keys
Most people are loved for who they are not! People hide their true colors. They are afraid to show them. They don’t find their true colors beautiful. They find them ugly. — Thomas Stark
Two Faced People Quotes Relationships

If Fakeness Were A Currency
Your true colors are shining bright—like a traffic light that’s stuck on fake.
You say you love me, but your actions scream ‘I love me more.’
Thanks for showing me the real you—it only took a thousand lies.
You’re not two-faced; you just have a backup face when the first one gets caught.
I thought we were building a future together; turns out you were just building walls.
Your lies are like band-aids—they cover things up but never actually heal.

I Thought We Were A Team But It Turns
Your loyalty switches faster than a TV remote, and it’s stuck on betrayal.
You’ve got more personalities than excuses for your shady behavior.
I thought we were a team, but it turns out you’re only playing for yourself.
Loving you felt like a partnership—turns out it was a solo game with an audience.
You wore your mask so well, I forgot it wasn’t your real face.
You’re a great actor, too bad I never signed up for the drama.

Loving You Felt Like A Partnership
If fakeness were a currency, you’d be a billionaire by now.
You wear your two faces like they’re designer masks—too bad everyone can see through them.
Loving you is like hugging a cactus—it looks good until it hurts.
I didn’t know I was in a relationship with two people: you and the liar.
I thought we had something real, but I was just playing a role in your game.
I loved you for who I thought you were, but I see now that person doesn’t exist.

Thanks For Showing Me The Real
Your love is like a boomerang—it always comes back, but in the wrong direction.
Behind every sweet word you say, there’s a backhanded compliment waiting.
I loved the idea of us; turns out you only loved the idea of control.
Your smile is sweet, but your knife cuts deeper every time you turn around.
You say you’re sorry, but your actions tell a different story.
Two-faced people are like bad dreams—you can’t wait to wake up and leave them behind.

You Are Not Two Faced Yopu Just
You’re like a mirror—always reflecting what’s convenient, but never showing your true self.
Trusting you is like building a house of cards—fragile, unreliable, and bound to fall.
Your love is conditional, just like your truth.
You play the victim like it’s your second job, and your lies are your full-time gig.
I didn’t sign up for your masquerade ball.
I used to believe in ‘us,’ now I only believe in leaving.

You Have Got More Personalities
You’re the master of mixed signals—too bad none of them say ‘truth.’
In this relationship, it turns out ‘forever’ had an expiration date stamped with deceit.
I thought you were my soulmate; turns out you’re just a great actor.
The only thing consistent about you is your inconsistency.
You should get an award for the best performance in pretending to care.
I didn’t fall for you, I fell for the character you were playing.

Your Loyalty Switches Faster Than A Tv Remote And It’s Stuck On Betrayal.
Your words and actions are like strangers—they never seem to meet.
You’re fluent in two languages: lies and manipulation.
Loving you is like chasing shadows—always close but never real.
You promised the moon, but all I got were clouds of deception.
Two faces and none of them are worth trusting.
I thought we were a team, but it turns out you were the opposition.

Your True Colors Are Shining
Two faces, but not a single honest heart.
Your love is like a puzzle—too bad you’re missing all the key pieces.
You must be an artist because you’re great at drawing fake smiles.
You say one thing to my face, but I guess the truth wasn’t invited.
You change sides so often, you must be dizzy.
You wear two faces better than any disguise.

You Say You Love Me But Your Actions
Trusting you is like expecting rain in a drought—pointless.
Your apologies are as empty as your promises.
I didn’t fall for you; I fell for the illusion you created.
Your truth changes as often as the weather, and I’m done with the storm.
Loving you was a mistake; trusting you was an even bigger one.
You had me fooled, but now I see the real you—both of you.

You Wear Your Two Faces Like Theyre Designer
Loving you was like reading a mystery novel where the villain is you the whole time.
Two-faced people are like expired milk—no matter how sweet it once was, it’s now sour.
I guess loyalty was just an option for you, not a requirement.
You’re the plot twist I didn’t need in my love story.
Your love was a mirage—beautiful from a distance, but fake up close.
Two faces, no soul.
Backstabbing Two Faced Quotes

Always Sleep With One Eye Open. Never Take Anything For Granted
He smiled when he talked, a smile that was not completely cold, but was the professional smile of a man who spends his days answering easy questions for people whom he’d rather usher out of his office via catapult. ― Cherie Priest, Dreadnought
Mom saved those conversations for our daily phone calls because she thought David wouldn’t find out about this other side. But he could see the changes in me when I talked to my mom. ― Olga Trujillo, The Sum of My Parts: A Survivor’s Story of Dissociative Identity Disorder
Monster was such a subjective word. It was what they called the demons that made up the Regime. Perhaps it was what the demons called them. Yet they all looked alike, so perhaps neither of them were monsters—or perhaps both sides were. ― Dean F. Wilson, Hopebreaker
Folded hands may conceal a dagger, Likewise a foe’s tears. ― Tiruvalluvar
A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down. ― Arnold H. Glasow.

Backstabbing Is Nothing New
How could I reconcile this motherliness with the screeching fury who had pursued me around the kitchen with a whip, flogging me until she was gorged with—what? Vengeance? What was it? Once, when I was in my thirties and reading Freud for the first time, I thought I knew. I am not so sure I know now. But what I knew then was that nobody—not even my mother—was to be trusted in a strange world that showed very little of itself on the surface. ― Robertson Davies, Fifth Business
My parents were two-faced. To me, they showed no mercy. They preached from theBook of Fallen Children. Commandment : The Child Is Always Ungrateful. At eighteen, the free ride would stop, and I’d be dumped into the mess of the world. But in their private moments, they were soft, cowed by love. They critiqued their own parenting skills and thought of all the ways they could help their kids get ahead. ― Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Beautiful Struggle: A Father, Two Sons and an Unlikely Road to Manhood
Dealing with backstabbers, there was one thing I learned. They’re only powerful when you got your back turned. ― Eminem
Having fake friends is like hugging cactus. The tighter you hug, the more pain you get. ― Riza Prasetyaningsih
It’s hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it. ― Nicole Richie

Dealing With Backstabbers, There Was One Thing I Learned
Always sleep with one eye open. Never take anything for granted. Your best friends might just be your enemies. ― Sara Shepherd
Fake friends are like shadows: always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour. ― Habeeb Akande
A question that always haunts me. Why can’t people just be real? It’s easier being real than pretend being real. Give yourself a chance. ― Manasa Rao Saarloos

Fake Friends Are Like Shadows Always Near You
The reason there are so few female politicians is that it is too much trouble to put makeup on two faces. ― Maureen Murphy
Backstabbing is nothing new. In biblical times, King David experienced the pain of betrayal. ― Les Parrott
Some girls must get so exhausted putting makeup on two faces every morning. ― Sarah Moores

Fake People Have An Image To Maintain
Look twice at a two-faced man. ― Chief Joseph
I’d rather have an enemy who admits that they hate me than a friend who secretly puts me down. ― Karen Salmansohn
False friendship, like the ivy, decays and ruins the walls it embraces; but true friendship gives new life and animation to the object it supports. ― Richard Burton

He Smiled When He Talked, A Smile That Was Not Completely
Fake people have an image to maintain, real people just don’t care. ― Hikigaya Hachiman
Everybody isn’t your friend. Just because they hang around you and laugh with you doesn’t mean they’re for you… People pretend well… At the end of the day real situations expose fake people so pay attention. ― Trent Shelton
I judge him to be one who is not false save only in policy. ― E.R. Eddison

I Judge Him To Be One Who Is Not False
Bad friends say nice things to your face, and then turn around and paint you black. ― John Joclebs Bassey
Perhaps the most crucial choice we make in life is who to trust. ― Stewart Stafford
Such a disappointment when you defend someone for so long thinking they are different and they turn out to be just like what everyone said. ― Khayri R.R. Woulfe

Look Twice At A Two Faced Man
No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true. ― Nathaniel Hawthorne
[He] had the hard eyes of the disciplinarian and the smile of a man who must be tactful and pleasant to many people. ― A.E. van Vogt
Everyone wanted to see [him] fall so they could devour his remains. As is usually the case, the army of sycophants had turned into a horde of hungry hyenas. ― Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Some Girls Must Get So Exhausted Putting
A circle of friends, doesn’t always keep perfect relationships. ― Anthony Liccione
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ― Walter Winchell
People think being alone makes you lonely, but I don’t think that’s true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world. ― Kim Culbertson

The Reason There Are So Few Female Politicians
People may not always tell you how they feel about you, but they will always show you. Pay attention. ― Keri Hilson
Fake relationships and fake people coming up to me and all of a sudden wanting to be my friend. ― Jason Ritter.
There is a % assurance that what your friend’s enemy tells you about your friend is false. What your failure tells you about your passion is fake. Don’t give up! ― Israelmore Ayivor.
Sarcastic Quotes About Two Faced People

Don’t Be Two Faced. If You’re Going To Lie, At Least Be Consistent.
If you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty.
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize your spine was optional.
I wish I could see things from your perspective, but I can’t get my head that far up my own back.
You should get an award for the best split performance.
With all the masks you wear, it’s a wonder I can still recognize you.

I’d Agree With You, But Then We’d Both Be Wrong.
I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.
I’m not sure which face to punch first.
It’s funny how you think people don’t notice your double standards.
Your personality is like a box of knockoff chocolates: cheap and disappointing.
I’m not confused by your two faces, I just don’t care enough to figure them out.

If You’re Going To Be Two Faced, At Least Make One Of Them Pretty.
Why have one face when you can annoy people with two?
Don’t be two-faced. If you’re going to lie, at least be consistent.
You must get really tired from switching masks so often.
If fake were an art form, you’d be the Mona Lisa of two-faced people.
Next time you show both sides of yourself, make sure one of them is honest.

I’m Not Sure Which Face To Punch First.
Two faces, no waiting.
Oh, you’re two-faced? Guess that explains why I only like one of you.
The only thing worse than a liar is a liar who thinks you’re too dumb to know.
Your loyalty is as reliable as a flip-flop in a hurricane.
I hope one of your faces knows how to apologize, but I doubt it.

I’m Sorry, I Didn’t Realize Your Spine Was Optional.
I bet you could sell your personality for scrap metal.
If you were any faker, you’d be a knockoff handbag.
You’ve got two faces and still can’t find one worth showing.
You’re so good at being fake, it’s almost impressive.
Your double-sided charm works only on people with short memories.

It’s Funny How You Think People Don’t Notice Your Double Standards.
Don’t worry, I’m sure your two-faced act will win you an Oscar someday.
Your two faces are so well-rehearsed, you must have a teleprompter for your lies.
If you’re going to stab me in the back, at least make sure I’m not already watching.
You’re like a bad movie—predictable, boring, and full of lies.
It must be tough keeping up with your lies; I bet even you forget which face you’re wearing.

I Wish I Could See Things From Your Perspective, But I Can’t Get My Head That Far Up My Own Back.
Your double life must be exhausting.
I’ve seen pancakes with more consistency than your personality.
You wear your deceit well—it matches your fake smile perfectly.
Two-faced people are like clouds: when they disappear, it’s a beautiful day.
Do your two faces ever argue with each other?

Two Faces, No Waiting.
Two-faced, but neither one is worth my time.
I would expect nothing less from someone who rehearses both sides of the conversation.
Your two faces are like bad Wi-Fi: unstable and irritating.
I’d say ‘go find yourself,’ but you’d need a map for both of your personalities.
I bet your mirror struggles to reflect all of your faces.

Why Have One Face When You Can
I love how your personality changes with the audience.
Do both of your faces talk behind my back, or just one?
I admire your dedication to being two-faced; it must take real effort.
Your two-faced routine is as transparent as plastic wrap.
Are your two faces interchangeable, or is one just a backup?

You Must Get Really Tired From Switching Masks So Often.
How do you manage to live two lives? I can barely handle one.
I’d explain myself, but I’d have to dumb it down for your two personalities.
You’re like a mirror—reflecting lies no matter which side I look at.
I’d call you two-faced, but that’s insulting to all the other two-faced people I know.
Your two faces need better coordination—they’re not fooling anyone.
Quotes about two-faced people offer a valuable perspective on the importance of authenticity and trust in relationships. They remind us to be aware of those who hide their true intentions and to appreciate the honesty of genuine friends. These quotes can provide comfort, validation, and wisdom when dealing with insincerity. By reflecting on these sayings, we are encouraged to protect our energy, avoid toxic connections, and surround ourselves with people who are true and loyal. Let these quotes inspire you to prioritize transparency and integrity in your interactions with others.