" A Collection of Inspiring, Hilarious, and Thought-Provoking Quotes "

Funny Introvert Quotes That’ll Make You Say ‘Same Here’

Laughing Solo: Funny Introvert Quotes for Those Who Enjoy Their Own Company


If you come to my house unannounced, be prepared for me to stare at you from my window.

A group of people? No thanks, that’s too many.

My social skills may be lacking, but I excel at hiding from people.

The Lost Bible Verse says: “Blessed are those who avoid unnecessary conversation.”

If you spot me in public, it’s probably not me.

As an introvert, every room feels like an escape room.

PSA for extroverts: Just because an introvert greets you doesn’t mean they want to chat.

After talking to someone for twenty minutes, I now know how an exhausted marathon runner feels.

For introverts, home is where the heart is.

Getting ready takes me three hours, two of which are spent convincing myself to do it.

If you want to talk on the phone, please give me at least three days’ notice.

When you start having inside jokes with yourself, you know you’re an introvert.

I do like people but from a distance.

Introverts don’t do things for a reaction, they do things to avoid a reaction.

Thanks, but no thanks. I won’t be attending your party. I’ve already been to one.

If you throw a party for me, you might just regret it.

Open floor plans are just another ploy by extroverts to lower the productivity of introverts.

Introvert radar: realizing there are strangers around who might try to talk to you and bailing before it happens.

I don’t miss calls. I just stare at them.

Instead of telling introverts to leave their comfort zones and be more talkative, why don’t we ask extroverts to be considerate and allow for comfortable zones?

You may label me antisocial, but please don’t contact me.

“Wow, today was so hectic!” – Me, when I had to accomplish two things instead of one.


Hilarious Introvert Quotes About Surviving in an Extroverted World


Sorry if I didn’t answer your call, I don’t use my phone for that.

Can’t talk right now, I already talked to two people yesterday.

Went outside yesterday:
1. It’s too hot.
2. It was too expensive.
3. There are too many people.
Do not recommend it.

Whenever someone starts vapid small talk with me, I feel like a hostage negotiator. “Listen, you don’t have to do this.”

Sometimes I agree with people just so they’ll stop talking.

Do you ever wish there were fewer people around when you go out?

I always bring excuses to leave early for social gatherings.

Sometimes, I just need to lay on the couch and read for a couple of years.

My superpower is disappearing into the corners or disappearing altogether.

I chill harder than you party.

I was social distancing before it was cool.

I’m always in a rush to get home so I can do absolutely nothing.

You might be an introvert if you’re ready to go home before you even leave the house.

Introvert allergies: social obligations, phone calls after 6 pm, groups of more than three people, talkative hairdressers, and hosts who don’t let you leave early.

As I leave my house, I whisper, “This is a mistake.”

The first rule of the Introvert Club: there is no Introvert Club, thank goodness.

My favorite party trick is not going.

Someone else’s weekend plans just stressed me out.

Being an introvert means liking your friends but also wanting them to leave at the same time.

I think, therefore I avoid small talk.

Life would be much simpler if I could mark individuals as spam.

Apologies, I cannot hang out tonight. I must wake up early tomorrow.


“Socializing is Overrated”: Laugh-Out-Loud Introvert Quotes


I arrived, I witnessed, and I departed early.

It’s bothersome when I go out in public and encounter the public.

Upon seeing people, my initial reaction is “Oh God.”

If my plans for the weekend go as intended, they will be unplanned.

I paid my rent, so please don’t request me to go out. I’m at home, making the most of my money.

Kindly hold off on contacting me.

The coronavirus is underestimating my capacity to stay at home and avoid people.

Before contacting me, ask yourself if your inquiry is feasible.

INTROVERTS UNITE: We’re here, we’re uneasy, and we want to go home.

My pastimes include attempting to shut the elevator door before someone enters.

There are two categories of people in the world, and I avoid both.

Have you ever gone out and thought, “This is precisely why I don’t go out”?

I’m introverted. This implies that if I encounter you in public and have the opportunity to walk by without being noticed, I’ll seize that chance.

I treat people the way I’d like to be treated, which entails not speaking to them.

The issue with society is that it’s populated by people.

How Introverts make friends:
10% they don’t
90% an extroverts found them and adopted them.

My closest acquaintances are those with whom I exchanged no words. – Emily Dickinson

I’m a self-sufficient, confident introvert who doesn’t require a social life.

I wish there was an article titled “Are You an Extrovert? Here Are Some Tips on How to Be Quiet and Contemplative” for once.

I converse with the same three individuals every day. If someone claims to know me, they’re mistaken.

I dislike when people ask if I’m at home. Please be more specific so I know whether I’m at home or not.

Introverts be like, “How inconsiderate of you not to invite me to something I didn’t want to attend.



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